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TerraGenesis: SETTLE THE STARS http://terragenesisgame.com Thu, 08 Aug 2019 19:12:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 http://terragenesisgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-ICON-1-32x32.png TerraGenesis: SETTLE THE STARS http://terragenesisgame.com 32 32 God like http://terragenesisgame.com/god-like/ http://terragenesisgame.com/god-like/#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:09:47 +0000 http://terragenesisgame.com/?p=3246 Worldbuilding simulator

Take command of an entire world, transforming the surface in any way you choose! Watch as sea levels rise and fill in valleys and craters, as the atmosphere thickens and clouds begin to form, and as life begins to spread across the surface.

And while you’re terraforming the environment, you will also be guiding the development of a rich and detailed culture for your new society. Choose your core principles, respond to random events, and lead your society from a distant colony of Earth into a independent, self-governing nation!

http://terragenesisgame.com/god-like/feed/ 0
Life like http://terragenesisgame.com/life-like/ http://terragenesisgame.com/life-like/#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:09:04 +0000 http://terragenesisgame.com/?p=3244 Anchored In Real Science

Everything in TerraGenesis is based on real science. From the surface maps and starting stats of every planet and moon in the game, to the facilities and processes you’ll use to change them. There’s even a fully-featured ecosystem simulator based on the principles of genetic engineering and biodiversity.

No prior scientific knowledge is required to play, but everything you do in-game will be as realistic as possible.

http://terragenesisgame.com/life-like/feed/ 0
Star like http://terragenesisgame.com/star-like/ http://terragenesisgame.com/star-like/#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:07:41 +0000 http://terragenesisgame.com/?p=3242 Peaceful, Celestial Settings

With a peaceful, meditative soundtrack and a minimalist UI, TerraGenesis can be as thrilling or relaxing as you want. Take it slow and make subtle, the patient changes for a chill and zen experience, or take bold and rapid steps for a wild, exciting ride.

http://terragenesisgame.com/star-like/feed/ 0
Unlike http://terragenesisgame.com/unlike/ http://terragenesisgame.com/unlike/#respond Mon, 28 Jan 2019 13:06:46 +0000 http://terragenesisgame.com/?p=3240 NO OTHER MOBILE GAME LIKE IT

No other game takes such a deep and rich look at the process of terraforming and cultural evolution as TerraGenesis. Unique gameplay mechanics and complex simulations make every playthrough exciting and challenging, and watching a planet transform before your eyes is an experience unlike any other.

http://terragenesisgame.com/unlike/feed/ 0